At some point in all of our lives, we could all benefit from having a little extra space. One of the best ways to get that extra space is to invest in Self Storage in Adelaide from Self Storage Australia Holden Hill. In order to make sure you’re getting the most out of your storage unit, follow these packing tips.

Use the right supplies

When it comes to packing your items into your storage unit, it’s important you use the right supplies. For example, while plastic bags might seem like the perfect option for storing clothing, they can cause condensation to form. This can lead to mildew and mould, which can damage your belongings.

Make sure you invest in sturdy moving boxes. While you might find it annoying to purchase brand new cardboard boxes, it can save you time and money in the long run. New boxes are less likely to break under the weight of your goods. When you’re purchasing boxes, try and get similar sizes to make stacking inside your storage unit in Adelaide easier.

Before you store

There are a few essential steps you need to take to prepare your belongings for long-term storage. Make sure you remove all of the batteries from all of your electronics. You’ll also need to ensure you drain the fuel from any tools such as your lawnmower. If you’re storing your freezer, you’ll need to make sure it’s defrosted and completely dry.

If you’re storing furniture items such as tables, deconstructing it can save a lot of space in your unit. When you start packing your boxes, make sure you don’t make them too heavy to lift. You’ll also need to spend some time labelling each box in as much detail as possible.

Packing your Self Storage Adelaide

Before you start moving your boxes into your storage unit, take some time to create a plan. You’ll need to leave at least one clear aisle to allow you easy access to all of your unit. You should also place the larger items and the things you know you won’t need to access very often at the back of the unit.

Items you know you’ll need to access more frequently should be stored at the front of your unit. Heavier boxes should be placed on the bottom, with lighter boxes and items being stacked on top. You should also try and keep like items together. For example, try and store all your Christmas decorations in a similar part of the storage unit.

When it comes to getting the most out of your Adelaide Self Storage unit, a little planning can go a long way. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of using Self Storage, contact us today.